Nyechen Dechen Bumpa Dharma Centre Project
In order to preserve the holy place, the KSDMC was formed to construct Mani Dhungkhor (the prayer wheel of Avalokitesvara) for the devotees of Momring to practice in the site and to share the merit of his Holiness the 4th Khedrup Phajo Sangye Dondub
The Mani Dhungkhor Phodrang will be a two- storey building. The basement will be filled with Mani Dhungkhors, and the first storey will be for conducting the prayers and the memorial ceremonies of his Holiness the 4th Khedrup Phajo Sangye Dondub
Few quarter houses will be built for practitioners to stay and to perform daily practices and Phajo Phodrang (Phajo palace), as well as for visiting Rinpoches to stay during their visit.
This will benefit the communities of Momring and the devotees across the country and the world, as this is the most precious holy place.