Rinpoche's Biography
“Collective manifestations of Ugyen Padmasambhava, the activities of tri-secrets covered the whole universe, empowered the spontaneous presence of dual meanings, prostrate to you and please grant me as your true follower.”
The fifth Khedrup Ugyen Tenzin Thinley Lhundrup alias Yonten Thinley or Jigme Kunzang Rangdrol was born in 9th May 1990 or full moon day of the third month of iron horse year to the father Tenzin Dorji and mother Tshewang Peldon in the village of Taktsang, Shingkhar Rong under Samdrup Jongkhar district in Bhutan where the great Maha Sidha Nima Dawa and Khedrup Phajo Sangye Dhondup had blessed. When Rinpoche was three years old and just being able to talk, he spoke out the previous life of 4th Khedrup's activities. According to his granny, when Rinpoche was born, a rainbow showed around their house and rained signifying the precious one continuingly for three days, and there were many miracles happened after*. As per his mother, she was prophesied by the previous Khedrup to be re-born as her son.
Childhood Time
When he was five years old, he started his education from his grandfather Lama Duba Wangyal. As the habitual tendency of the previous life, no effort was needed to learn such as reading mantras, tunes of CHOD, visualization of Phowa or the Consciousness Transference and etc. From a very early age, Rinpoche was admitted to a government school at six years old.

When Rinpoche was eight, the disciples and the families gathered to recognize the instruments of 4th Khedrup Rinpoche. In the mid of hundreds of disciples, treasures such as the lineage sacred vajra bell, cymbal, etc. of his previous life and the new items of same looks were mixed. Rinpoche was asked to identify those items that belonged to the 4th Khedrup Rinpoche. Without any difficulty, all items were identified, and he was recognized as the authentic reincarnation of Khedrup Rinpoche.
At thirteen, Rinpoche learned the ritual of Throema, the Wrathful deity from Lopen Sherub Jamtsho. Later, Rinpoche received the preliminary instruction of Throema from Venerable Buli Trulku Sonam Lodoe Rinpoche. Also at thirteen, Rinpoche was admitted in Phagchog Gonpa as per the recommendation of late Drubwang Kunzang Namdrol Rinpoche. In there, Rinpoche learned the relative usage of ritual ceremonies such as blowing trumpets, beating drums and playing cymbals according to the lineage of Terton Pema Lingpa existing practice of Yonphu Chhoje. Also, Rinpoche has mastered the fasting ritual introduced by an Indian Bikshuni Shri belongia palmo called Nyung ney and practiced the preliminary of Pema Lingpa.
Rinpoche joined Ngagyur Nyingma College, a branch of Wogmin Urgyen Mindroling in 2006. In 2009, Rinpoche was seriously sick as prophecies by many high ranking lamas, which all of them recommended enthroning at 4th Khedrup Rinpoche's throne would be the solution for the cure. So the enthronement took place on 25th November 2009 with a grand celebration blessed by the long-life ceremony of Terton Pemalingpa's secret treasure. And then illness disappeared automatically.
Sangchen Ogyen Tsuklag Monastery
In 2009, the people of Rephel and Samchoeling, Trongsa, Bhutan, had requested the Royal Bhutan Government to offer the monastery, which Lhacham Monmo Trashi Kheudren, one of the eight lady disciples and consort of Guru Rinpoche had established. The government of Bhutan had approved Rinpoche as their master/lama and handed over the monastery and lands of the monastery under Rinpoche’s ownership. After that Rinpoche renamed the monastery as Sangchen Ogyen Tsuklag and recruited few monks.
Initiations and Blessings from Gurus
During that time, Rinpoche received the whole initiations and oral transmissions of:
Rinchen Terdzö and Jangter Gongpa Zangthel and from His Holiness Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche
Kalachakra and Pure Inspiration initiation of 5th Lama's from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Nyingthig Tsapoed and Nyingthig Yabshi from His Holiness Dodrupchen Rinpoche
Rinchen Terdzö from His Eminence Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche
The initiation of Collective Tathagata's Eight Orders and oral transmission of Lord of Secret Thought Ornaments from His Eminence Minling Khochim Rinpoche
Initiation of Peling Long life Vajra Mala and oral transmission of Peling Preliminary Practice from His Eminence Lhalung Sungtrul Rinpoche
Instruction and oral transmission of Amitabha Sadhana from life-long retreatant Ngawang Jamtsho
and many other masters etc.
Rinpoche's Vision
With the ambition to turn the mistaken opinion toward good deeds, Rinpoche mingles with the ordinary laypeople. Rinpoche aspires to provide equal opportunities for individuals to study and practice Buddhadharma to promote individual and societal peace and well being. Rinpoche is being proactive in setting out an overall vision in promoting equity to provide the best opportunities for all practitioners to achieve their full potential and to benefit from the teaching of Buddha. His vision is to promote equity and universalize access to the learning and practice of Buddha Dharma for both monks and laymen. Rinpoche intend to provide to all beings from accessing and benefiting from Buddhadharma on equal grounds. A full range of training opportunities will be available upon the completion of current projects of establishing a monastic college of the Longchen Nyingthig Lineage, retreat centers and nunnery under the support and guidance of this great master.
*The brief miracle signs include: Left a handprint on the rock while playing with the child friends at around seven years of age. When Rinpoche was twenty-one years old, Rinpoche again foot printed on the rock while opening the secret Nye of Guru Dewa Chhenpo which was located nearby and produced a Holy water below his monastery, Sangchen Ogyen Tsuklag and there are many more secret signs which are not the right time to note down as the permission is not granted by His Holiness.